
The Stylos Fund is a foundation dedicated to support independent initiatives by engineering and architecture students since 1984. This includes lectures, workshops, exhibitions and other study-related activities offering a relevant addition to the regular education programs offered at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft. The fund provides grants and interest-free payment advances, ideas, and immaterial support, since the board members of the Stylos Fund have an extensive list of interesting contacts. Students are welcome to present their initiatives to the board of the Stylos Fund and to apply for funding. Together with study association Stylos, the board of the Stylos Fund is happy to assist you and to facilitate your ideas. The Stylos Fund subsidies are entirely made possible by donations of its contributors. Among these contributors are architects, urban planners, professors, graduates, agencies, consultants - all wishing to invest in the development of the students of our faculty.


Once the application is handed in, the board of the Stylos Fund will decide whether the grant is honoured during one of its meetings. During this meeting, the board makes a decision about 75% of the grant that is applied for. The final 25% will be paid once the board has seen the exploitation. With this procedure, the board makes sure that no profit is made on the event. Should it be the case that the Stylos Fund does not have the financial means to support the application, the board can decide to support the application for only a part of the requested amount or to reject the application. The board of the Stylos Fund always reserves the right to reject a request for application, even though this application is in line with the requirements. For an individual trip, an application can be made from the Master Studios: Explore Lab, Architectural Engineering, and Interiors Independent Group.

If your application is approved by us, you are also pre-approved for an application at the FAST University Fund. This is made possible through our close cooperation with FAST.


The board of the Stylos Fund consists of teachers from several Master Tracks and students: Roberto Cavallo (chairman) (Arch), Zemen Ariane Schaper (student-assistant), Cyza van Deijck (secretary), Bas Plaisier (treasurer), Björn de Zeeuw, Leontine de Wit (Arch), Lodewijk van Es (MBE), Sjoerd Wortelboer (BT), Mirte Giethoorn, Maria van Leest and Stijn Kuijsters.
For questions concerning the Stylos Fund, please contact fund@stylos.nl.

2024 - Lustrum Symposium (Stylos) 
2023 - Big Trip (Stylos)
2024 - BkBeats (Stylos)