Vrijwel alle evenementen, publicaties en activiteiten van Stylos worden georganiseerd door commissies. Dit zijn groepen studenten die deze evenementen naast hun studie organiseren. Ze organiseren diverse reizen, lezingen, workshops, carrière-activiteiten en feesten! Wil je meer informatie over de beschikbare commissies? Klik op onderstaande icoontjes!
Almost all events, publications and activities of Stylos are organized by committees. These are groups of students who organize these events alongside their studies. They organize various trips, lectures, workshops, career activities and parties! Would you like more information about the available committees? Click on the icons below!
Registrations are open!
Art & Culture Committee
BAU Committee
Big Trip Committee
Business Tour Committee
Committee committee
Dies Committee
Display & Discuss
Education Team
End of the Year Drinks Committee
Exchange Committee
Family Day Committee
Freshman Committee
MZN Committee
pantheon// Committee
Practice Committee
Rally Committee
Short Trip committee
SteeOwee Committee
The Stylo
Yearbook Committee