The Hague is a city with a lot of ambition in the field of area development. The CID, the Binckhorst and The Hague South West will be overhauled in the coming years. In addition, The Hague has many open spaces with opportunities for new innovative ideas and beautiful designs. To mark the 100th anniversary of the LIAG office in The Hague, a catalog has been compiled containing 100 locations in The Hague that can still be developed.

Because LIAG believes in the power of new ideas, we organize a competition for students in collaboration with Stylos. With the competition we want to show that much more is possible in the city and that The Hague can become an even more attractive living, working and living environment.

In this online lecture, streamed live from this Facebook event, LIAG will explain their vision on Architecture and illustrate the details of the Design Contest of which this lecture is the kick-off.